Registration - Bridgend

As part of the registration process for Shepherds the vets the below must be completed before your animals registration is approved:

  • Completion of the below form in full

Attach the following documents to the below form

  • Copy of a recent utility bill within the last 3 months
  • Photographic Identification – Driving license or passport
  • Copy of your insurance policy if held
  • Full clinical history and vaccination card from your previous vets


We will review your paperwork within 5 working days and one of our team will email you to confirm registration. If you do not have the above
documentation please call your local branch who can discuss the matter further with you. On completing this form you are confirming you
are happy to consent to above details to be kept on record and for us to contact you via Email, Text or post.

Pet 1

Pet 2

Pet 3
